Wednesday, May 23, 2018

News:: Leisure Suit Larry making his ill-advised return in new PC adventure

A Steam listing that appeared, disappeared and then re-appeared, boldly announces that gaming's sleaziest lounge-lizard, Leisure Suit Larry, is getting an all-new point-and-click adventure.

The new game, titled Wet Dreams Don't Dry (like D4, y'see?) is being developed by German studio CrazyBunch and will see Larry bumble his way through the modern world of dating. Already allusions have been made to the cream-suited bellend coming face to face with elements such as smartphones, "Instacrap" and popular dating app "Timber". Take a shot every time someone makes a "Millenials" joke in this one, I reckon.

I remember playing the LSL games on the Amiga back in the day as a kid. This was more out of curiosity because they felt "naughty". They weren't exactly great games then and I'm really not sure what Larry's place in modern gaming is today. It will be interesting to see if Wet Dreams sees success, or whether Laffer's latest adventure proves to be another in a long line of poor efforts to rejuvenate the franchise, lest we forget 2004's Magna cum Laude or the abominable PS3 release, Box Office Bust.

Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry launches on PC late in 2018.

Leisure Suit Larry making his ill-advised return in new PC adventure screenshot


via destructoid