Friday, May 18, 2018

News:: Batwoman is coming to the Arrowverse in the next crossover event

DC can't get its ass out of it's head (yes, I said that backwards, that's how backwards they are) with its movies, but on the TV side of things the "Arrowverse" has been solid as a whole. By taking some of the smaller DC characters, "CW'ing" them just a bit, and delivering solid, season-long stories that get way darker than you expect, they've delivered year in and out. Hell, Supergirl is doing Superman better than Superman does Superman.

And now they may get a chance to do Batman better than Batman, as Batwoman is going to roll into the shared multi-verse of the shows when the next big crossover lands. This also pulls in Gotham city and, one would assume, Batman -- in the same tangential way that Supergirl has included Superman. To be clear, this isn't the announcement of a Batwoman show, just a cameo by the character when Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow, Arrow, and Flash (probably not Black Lightning) all come together once again to battle some big bad. 

Batwoman is coming to the Arrowverse in the next crossover event screenshot


via destructoid