DC can't get its ass out of it's head (yes, I said that backwards, that's how backwards they are) with its movies, but on the TV side of things the "Arrowverse" has been solid as a whole. By taking some of the smaller DC characters, "CW'ing" them just a bit, and delivering solid, season-long stories that get way darker than you expect, they've delivered year in and out. Hell, Supergirl is doing Superman better than Superman does Superman.
And now they may get a chance to do Batman better than Batman, as Batwoman is going to roll into the shared multi-verse of the shows when the next big crossover lands. This also pulls in Gotham city and, one would assume, Batman -- in the same tangential way that Supergirl has included Superman. To be clear, this isn't the announcement of a Batwoman show, just a cameo by the character when Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow, Arrow, and Flash (probably not Black Lightning) all come together once again to battle some big bad.
via destructoid https://www.destructoid.com/batwoman-is-coming-to-the-arrowverse-in-the-next-crossover-event-503574.phtml