You may or may not be a fan of Amy Schumer. I am. I find a lot of her humor insightful and hilarious. Her stand up special kind of sucked, though, and she's 50/50 on headlining movies so I was hoping to get back into enjoying her comedy with I Feel Pretty, a movie that looked to send up all those 90s and early 2000s romantic comedies where we all learn the value of a stable relationship, being ourselves, and doing ridiculously romantic and over-the-top things to prove ourselves in the end.
Imagine my disappointment when about halfway through the film I realized Schumer wasn't sending up these films, but just simply making one. This wasn't a clever wink at the inherent sexism in rom-coms or the problematic dependence of people's happiness being tied to getting hitched. It was one of those movies, straight up, and by the end all I could think about was how out of date it felt. Did it have its funny parts? Definitely, but the whole thing felt like something made 10 years ago for a society that hadn't just gone through a massive cultural movement.
I Feel Pretty's message is on point, its delivery is not.
via destructoid