Now that I have your attention, I want to tell you what I think about the PC version of Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash, a highly sophisticated simulation representing what happens when you put a group of intricately complex, three-dimensional characters in an arena with water guns to allow them to vent their frustrations on one another. More of a psychological analysis than a video game, PBS, much like the novel Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk is something of a deep character study that dissects the frailty of the human condition.
How much violence can we withstand on a psychological level before the barrier of our humanity is broken down, and we are reduced to the baseline of our carnal, primal nature? In what universe would a woman choose a bra or bikini eight times smaller than her bust size and not have it cause her breasts turn into deformed, radish shaped sacks of corn syrup? Why am I playing this game? Why am I even alive at all?
By the end of my experience, none of these questions were answered, obviously, especially the bra bit. But I did learn one thing; Peach Beach Splash is not the Splatoon clone I had assumed it was. In fact, as someone remotely familiar with the Senran Kagura games, it actually doesn’t play much differently from the main series at all. Although personally, I did find it to be less engaging and entertaining than previous titles.
via destructoid