Monday, March 5, 2018

News:: Say goodbye to Max and Chloe as Life is Strange wraps up today

It's time to bid adieu to Max Caulfield, Chloe Price, Arcadia Bay, and youthful innocence. The Life is Strange that we've known for more than two years ends today. Fitting that for a game originally about rewinding time, the last installment takes us back to the very beginning.

Life is Strange: Before the Storm's bonus episode Farewell released today for anyone who owns the deluxe edition of the game. It's the last look we'll ever get at Max and Chloe, as it's meant to be a sendoff that showcases exactly how close they were before Max moved off to Seattle. Life is Strange is a series about heartbreaking tragedy and formative moments. Expect some of both from Farewell.

This is definitely the end of Max and Chloe's arcs, but it's probably not the end of Life is Strange. Developer Dontnod has said in the past that it wants to create other stories within the Life is Strange name that explore similar themes but don't necessarily have shared characters and settings. None of that is confirmed yet, so Farewell is all we have for now. Goodbyes are hella hard. 

Say goodbye to Max and Chloe as Life is Strange wraps up today screenshot

via destructoid