Whatever else virtual reality has become in the years since its commercial debut, it's beyond dispute that it has become, in large measure, the new home of the lightgun genre. For every creative, even transcendent VR experience, there are half a dozen shooting galleries capitalizing on VR's most easily-realized promise: The visceral thrill of holding a gun and shooting at targets.
Bravo Team is, for better or worse, one of those. Coming from SuperMassive, the game is a modern-day lightgun title aiming to bring a touch of Rainbow Six or Time Crisis to a surprisingly crowded field.
Unfortunately, given what's on offer, it's hard to believe that the same studio that produced Until Dawn and Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (one of the better PlayStation VR launch titles) could come up with this.
via destructoid https://www.destructoid.com/review-bravo-team-493750.phtml