After years of pining for a "Destructoid Convention" in the comments of many a cblog, we finally have the opportunity to help host EGLX in Toronto with Enthusiast Gaming. Papa Niero, our founder is here, as well as myself, Jordan, Brett, Wes, and CJ -- if you see us, come say hi!
In case you haven't been in previous years there's a pretty wide variety of stuff to do at EGLX, from checking out indie games to picking up merch from local vendors, as well as big-ticket convention activities like panels (ours was earlier today, thanks to everyone who attended!), PC free play stations, speedrun competitions, and eSports tournaments. As I was walking into the convention center I overheard someone say "this is more intense than I thought," which I feel adequately explains the scope of everything Enthusiast is trying to accomplish.
Check out the gallery below to get a feel for the show, and if we don't see you this weekend, we'll catch you next year!
via destructoid