[It's the middle of February, which apparently means there's not a whole lot for me to shove into this prompt. I'm personally prety excited for the massive Stellaris expansion coming on the 22nd, and I'm considering jumping downt the rabbit hole of Final Fantasy XIV. What have you been filling your dull dredges of Winter with?
The List will continue being updated as long as there is a use and demand for it. -Panda]
Good morning/afteroon/tomorrow, my Friends/Robots/Gardevoir/-Current Dtoid Meme Here-
It has been made aware to me that, just perhaps, you all enjoy video games. It might even be said that you... like to game with others? Now now, don't be that way, I don't mean to lump you into some sort of box. You're all just such lovely folks, it pains me to watch you, struggling in vain to connect with each other, striving to engage in...
via destructoid https://www.destructoid.com/prepare-to-friendship-dtoid-s-master-gaming-contact-list-376128.phtml