Oh hey, Nintendo sent over the fabled Mario cereal box amiibo (and a wooden spoon/red bowl), filled with gelatin-riddled mushrooms and crunchies.
Wait, a cereal and an amiibo? Yeah, it's a two-in-one type of deal, with a tiny interaction with Super Mario Odyssey on Switch. How tiny? Well I'll let you watch the below video of me earning two coins from it to judge (a heart is also possible).
As for the box itself it's fairly standard, but on the very back corner you'll find a "scan me" section that's unique to this brand of cereal. You just have to hold the NFC chip up to the scanner (which is a little annoying on the Pro Controller since it doesn't have a raised area to scan it on) after pressing down on the right d-pad button, and you're good to go. The actual chip is found on the inside of the box, not anywhere on the cereal packaging.
via destructoid http://ift.tt/2iWOkBL