Everyone's hiding something in The Shrouded Isle. As the spiritual advisor to a community of sinners and religious zealots, it's your job to appoint officials and guide the island's poor souls towards the awakening of their strange god. There are no easy choices. Appeasing a slumbering god means sacrificing villagers once a season and choosing a victim becomes more of a balancing act of needs and wants than a religious ceremony. No one ever said leading a cult is easy.
The path towards salvation is even more difficult in The Shrouded Isle's Sunken Sins DLC. In the free update, not only are players required to keep the titular isle's five ruling houses happy, but they also have to stop the spread of a strange contagion. In the real world, eradicating a mysterious disease might mean years of careful research and new medical breakthroughs. In Sunken Sins, purification comes from prolonged exposure to salt water.
via destructoid http://ift.tt/2B1UPdA