Hyrule Warriors might go down as one of my favorite Warriors games. The character variety is just so on point, as are the locales and the map mode -- one of the best postgame events in all of hack and slash-dom.
That's why I'm so anxious to see how Omega Force is following up their Nintendo romp with Fire Emblem Warriors, which is due out in the west very soon. Nintendo Life managed to grab some footage too, and directly compared it to the antics of Hyrule on the Wii U to see how it measures up.
Note that this is jumping an entire generation of hardware, but the improvements are obvious. While Hyrule Warriors has a fantastic art style that I like better aesthetically, Fire Emblem has the edge when it comes to performance. It's a very nice advantage, but I'm going to sorely miss the "one person plays on the Gamepad, the other on the TV" mode from the Wii U.
via destructoid http://ift.tt/2gwEwd4