Today, September 13, is the one-year anniversary of ReCore's release. In our review, I scored it a 4 out of 10, citing a ton of technical issues and a needlessly drawn-out end-game as factors that overshadowed how good the first two-thirds were. Additionally, it came to light after launch that there was a fifth robot that was hastily pulled from the final version, but traces of it existed everywhere from the in-game menus to pickups that enemies dropped. It was all very weird and smacked of a game that had to ship whether it was finished or not.
One year later (and past the point where most people care), I'm confident in saying that ReCore is finally pretty decent. The inclusion of that fifth robot, the tank, is a fine addition. The tank is used to traverse across quicksand, and it's enjoyable enough to have an approximation of a vehicle for Joule to ride on. This opens up some race-like mini-sections where the player has to chase a bot over boost pads and ramps. If nothing else, it's a fine way to get across vast stretches of desert.
Also, the same add-on that introduces the tank also adds the Eye of Obsidian storyline, two sections to the overworld, 10 dungeons, sandstorms which alter the landscape and reveal new dungeons, and three alternate weapon modes for Joule's gun. This is all substantial in making ReCore a more well-rounded game.
via destructoid