I see you reading this summary before clicking. You don't have to click, but you'll miss one of the best gaming experiences in a long time. You may be thinking "I'm not really into adventure games, and I never played any of the original King's Quest games." You should will make an exception for at least one episode -- just one -- because this is one of the best gaming experiences many of you missed out on: King's Quest Episode One: A Knight to Remember.
I don't care if you choose to just watch it on YouTube, but get someone who does it justice. Dan and Ross on Steam Train have a good playthrough. Dan has the nostalgia for the old games, but even if you don't and wouldn't get all the references, it's a hilarious and touching adventure in the truest sense. I didn't get all the references as I never played the old games, but it's still superb in its own right and respects the original games without obnoxious nostalgia pandering.
via destructoid http://ift.tt/2wSo9h1