Were you aware that Night Trap was originally being produced by Hasbro games for a failed video format? How about that the footage for the game was filmed in 1987, five years before the game officially shipped? Would you be surprised if I told you the original source code was lost?
There is a lot of great insight on Night Trap in this documentary from the YouTube channel "My Life in Gaming." Commemorating the 25th anniversary of the game and next month's release of the remaster, the guys from MLiG sat down with the director and co-writer of the game, James Riley, and the developer behind the upcoming remaster, Tyler Hogle, to shed some insight on how the title came to be and what was left unused from the original shoots.
Even if you have no interest in Night Trap, this video does a fantastic job of archiving what game development used to be like. With how expansive and open our current hardware is, its easy to forget that technology was so limited just a few decades ago. The limitations of the NES in the '80s created a perfect storm for the oddities of FMV gaming to rise. Now digital distribution and vastly superior hardware allows us to relive this crazy concoction, blemishes and all.
via destructoid http://ift.tt/2eX8EjX