[I never owned a current-gen console as a kid, and I really didn’t mind that much either. CowBearSnail takes me back to a time, before the internet, when others’ opinions didn’t have as much sway over the way I played video games. Sometimes, it’s nice to find your own fun… - DeadMoon]
Originally, this article was intended as a top ten list of the most influential games of my childhood, but, in the process of whittling years of personal gaming history into that all-important top ten, I was taken down a much longer road of reminiscence and reflection. I’ve been on Destructoid for quite some time now, though have only just begun publishing pieces here and there. My favourite conversation to have with other gamers is around their history of playing video games and what games mean to them. Incidentally, I’ve found this is also the best way to get to know another gamer. So, in way of a formal introduction, my name is Ryan, and this is a little slice of my life playing video games.
via destructoid http://ift.tt/2uG5eZB