Robert Yang is known for making free homoerotic games such as Succulent, a game about deep-throating corn dogs, and Stick Shift, a game about jacking off a car's stick shift. While Yang's previous titles took a more comical twist on gay sex, this latest release is a lot more serious, sort of.
The Tearoom is based on a hidden surveillance camera sting carried out in 1962 by the police in Mansfield, Ohio (a city I've frequently been in my entire life). The police set up a two-way mirror and filmed local gay men having sexual contact with each other, then used said footage to put them behind bars for a year or more under the now-defunct sodomy laws the state had at the time. The game's name comes from the slang term used to designate bathrooms used for cruising (hooking up with strangers in public), tearooms.
via destructoid