Rain Games gave us an exclusive demo for its upcoming action-adventure title World to the West. Set within the same world as its previous game, Teslagrad, it looks to tackle a different classic style of gameplay similar to how its predecessor worked within the confines of a metroidvania.
We may all be going crazy with Zelda fever since Breath of the Wild is releasing at the end of the week, but any fans of Nintendo’s legendary series would be crazy to ignore World to the West. Not only does it emanate charm with its beautiful visuals and quirky characters, but it is clear that the inspiration behind this title is the highly revered Link to the Past.
Fans of the more “traditional” style of Zelda titles are pretty rightfully scared that the future of the series may forego 2D gameplay and focus solely on the 3D formula. Not only has there not been a console-based 2D Zelda game since Link to the Past, but with the Switch being a portable console, we may never receive another 2D Zelda from Nintendo in the future. While World to the West doesn’t strictly follow the Zelda formula, it has enough of the puzzles and exploration that fans have come to expect while also tackling some different ideas (like multiple characters).
via destructoid http://ift.tt/2lAAz7O