It has been 28 years since the original River City Ransom released, and it finally has a proper sequel in Underground. I know, I know, some of you purists are saying, "But Jed, RCR had a ton of sequels and spinoff sports titles, they just didn't come to the USA other than River City: Tokyo Rumble."
While this is true, none of those games are true sequels to the game we know and loved growing up. The English version of River City Ransom was heavily localized to cater to a Western audience, meaning most everything dealing with Japan was removed and replaced with something a bit more American. The characters names were also changed from Kunio and Riki to Alex and Ryan. Essentially the game was whitewashed for the sake of sales.
River City Ransom: Underground is not only the sequel RCR fans have been waiting for but one of the greatest beat 'em ups of all time.
via destructoid