Monday, January 2, 2017

News:: Steam's 2016 top sellers include 'No Man's Sky' and 'Rocket League'

Want a (mostly) complete snapshot of the PC gaming scene as it was in 2016? Head over to Steam. Valve's portal has listed the top 100 best sellers of the year based on revenue, and it clearly reflects what people were buying. Indie titles had a particularly strong showing in 2016, most notably No Man's Sky -- yes, despite the backlash over its grandiose promises, the space exploration game raked in enough cash to be one of Steam's "platinum" sellers. While NMS' $50 price tag no doubt helped (it didn't have to move as many copies as its rivals to rake in money), it's apparent that the PC version wasn't the outright commercial flop some expected it to be.

Source: Steam (top 100), (winners)

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