Hi. Hello.
Boy. Yikes. Twenty-sixteen. That was something.
I feel like I’m not going to cover enough ground if I write anything about how just absolutely terrible 2016 was, so instead I’m just going to focus on the good here —and that’s right, I’m talking about the good good video games.
Video games got weirder. They got more polished and refined. More ambitious, more experimental. Crazier, dare I say. It’s a trend that’s been slowly creeping up on us in these past few years, starting with indie titles and working its way into the life force of the industry — until it suddenly exploded out of nowhere and a shit ton of quality video games came into existence left and right. So many quality titles, narrowing it down to just ten is almost insulting.
In other news, I’ve been doing pretty alright this past 365, thank you for asking! I got my first taste of internet notoriety, got very drunk with Suda51 at a party I co-hosted, made two appearances on Podtoid, and I also filmed an interview with Mega64 that I’m still debating posting or not because that video gets very avant-garde and contains fake blood, technical issues, Mike Cosimano dying of heartbreak, and uh, pubes. No one knows whose pubes.
List time.
via destructoid http://ift.tt/2iXlGP1