Sunday, December 25, 2016

News:: You are all my special snowflakes

[Image by Panic Pagoda]

A few days ago, one of our community members decided that he was calling it quits, in part because of a post I wrote a few months back asking our readers if they want Destructoid to be a "safe space". In short, I fucked up, and I responded to him accordingly, but it's not good enough to apologize and explain yourself. If you really want to learn from your mistakes and improve, you have to actively work to do better than you did before. 

So on this Christmas/Hanukkah day, I wanted to take a moment to let you know how much I respect and care for all of you. It's really hard to have a relationship with thousands of relative strangers on the internet, but thanks to Destructoid, I've been given the opportunity to do just that for about eight years now, and I couldn't be more grateful. 


You are all my special snowflakes screenshot


via destructoid