I hope everyone had a great holiday, whatever you choose to celebrate. Myself, I was drifting in and out of a food coma all day yesterday, though I did manage to complete a jigsaw puzzle with my in-laws.
Some of you long-time Destructoid readers might remember a feature Chad Concelmo used to put together from time to time called "The Great Retro Quiz!" These articles usually revolved around a specific retro franchise, but occasionally Chad would mix things up and take a look at a topic or theme the quiz around a holiday. I talked to Chad on Twitter and got his blessing to revive the Great Retro Quiz!
This particular quiz will be a little less retro than the name would suggest. Instead, we'll be using the quiz to take a look back at the most memorable games of 2016. If this proves popular, I may do more quizzes that more closely follow the format Chad set up, focusing on a specific game series rather than a year.
Although it was a pretty crappy year in many other respects, it's hard to deny 2016 was a great year for games. Each question will relate to a game that came out sometime this year in the U.S. You can leave your answers in the comments any time between now and 11:59 PM Pacific time on December 29. There's a copy of Stardew Valley on PS4 up for grabs if you're the winner, so check my community blog for the results this Friday. There may be some light spoilers for the games, so if you care about that sort of thing, maybe don't read the answers or comments below. Official rules for winning Stardew Valley are below the quiz. In the event of a tie, the winner will be the first post with the most correct answers. With that out of the way, let's get started!
via destructoid http://ift.tt/2ioBsiu