Wednesday, November 30, 2016

News:: Comments of the Week 01

So you might have noticed when you clicked on this post that I am not, in fact, your boy Dreamweaver. If you're out of the loop, Dreamweaver is fine but taking a break from Destructoid. He may be back someday, but in the meantime I'm going to be the new Comments of the Week Guy™. You might notice some differences because I'll be doing things my way while keeping the CotW spirit alive.

Those of us living in the United States celebrated Thanksgiving this past week, but I think us Dtoiders from all over the world should take a moment to thank Dreamweaver for his hard work on Comments of the Week for over 90 (!) weeks. If you're reading this, Dreamweaver, we miss you and wish you well. Feel free to come back when you're ready!

And now, on to the comments.

Comments of the Week 01 screenshot


via destructoid