There are a lot of video games these days. Perhaps too many. Between the PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, Vita, 3DS, Steam, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, iPhone, Android, Apple TV, Fire TV, and the Dreamcast, it can be easy to miss a game or two. Or three. Or thirty. Hell, each week here on Destructoid we talk about new titles releasing on the eShop only to never speak of them again.
For the most part, I think we feel comfortable skipping over a lot of these. There's a reason we didn't review something like The Letter or Sweet Memories Blackjack. Why spend what limited time we have playing those when there's a game we can play we know you'll want to hear about? Of course this means there's always a chance we might miss out on something worthwhile, either because we simply didn't have the time to look into it or it was overshadowed by something bigger. That happened this past July when we glossed over the release of Gotta Protectors because it came out the same day as a bunch of Kirby Virtual Console ports.
We're not the only ones. When I first received a review code from Ancient (along with a nice letter asking me to please try it out), it didn't have a single review. That was more than a month after its initial release. A part of me felt bad for the game, so I decided to give it a whirl. You should too because it's amazing.
via destructoid