Tuesday, October 27, 2015

News::'Detroit: Become Human' is Quantic Dream's debut PS4 game

Detroit is bouncing back from some absolutely devastating economic times, but Detroit: Become Human from Quantic Dream exists in an altogether different timeline. The team behind Heavy Rain is using the Motor City and its manufacturing legacy as a backdrop for its tale of an AI with human emotions, and the game is an extension of the studio's "Cara" demo from a few years back. Aside from that, lead David Cage didn't give an awful lot of info. Considering the studio's pedigree, it isn't too much of a stretch to assume the game will be highly cinematic but that could also be a detriment. After all, the team's last game, Beyond: Two Souls looked great in demos too but fell a bit flat in terms of actual gameplay. Become Human isn't the first time a game about androids and AI's been set in Motown -- Deus Ex: Human Revolution did that back in 2011.

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Source: PlayStation (YouTube)

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