Monday, January 12, 2015

News::Why #Gamergate is not the end for Girl Gamers

2014 has not been the best year for women within the gaming industry, perhaps a year that the women in question would like to forget? The whole #GamerGate fiasco started with an indie game developer named Zoe Quinn. The alleged allegations suggested Zoe Quinn was using sex to gain extra media coverage for her game Depression Quest. Originally the allegations were made after her relationship with Nathan Grayson, a journalist for the video game news site Kotaku came to an end, and posted screenshots of her infidelities. The fiasco continued after feminist journalist, Anita Sarkeesian made a series of Youtube videos depicting the female role within video games. #GamerGate followers suggest #GamerGate is a movement about journalistic integrity, and the movement wants to bring these stories to the forefront of the media.

via N4G: pc news feed