Sunday, January 4, 2015

News::Screencheat SteamFirst Review

SteamFirst: Screencheat builds upon the major premise of gaming in the days of Golden Eye and Halo: when your arch nemesis sat mere feet from you and had a view of your precious screen. Often times, the winner is determined by knowing where the enemy is, and screen looking or screen cheating was the most infamously-abused form of cheating there was, long before the kids these days with their modded controllers and 360 no-scopes Screencheat puts up to four players in a colorful world, gives them odd assortments of weapons, and pits them against each otherbut with two major twists: (1) Everyones screen is combined in split-screen formation, so you all see each others view. (2) Everyone is invisible. Using another players screen to determine where he or she is, is the only method you have of acquiring the location of your target(s) except for some of the weapons giveaways.

via N4G: pc news feed