Thursday, December 4, 2014

News::Haunted House: Cryptic Graves Review - Thejimquisition

Thejimquisition: "As a matter of disclosure, its only right that I confess to putting just over 100 minutes into this game before committing my thoughts to a review. Ordinarily, that would be a woefully inadequate amount of time to accurately assess a videogame, but Haunted House: Cryptic Graves is not an ordinary experience. Indeed, in less than two hours, I was able to witness firsthand enough glitches to fill several full videogames, while the various half-baked attempts at visual effects can induce brutal headaches in about fifteen minutes of playtime. You may disagree, and youre welcome to wait for maniacs braver than I to play it to completion, but I am confident that my playtime is sufficient to deem Haunted House one of Ataris most remarkable atrocities."

via N4G: pc news feed