Friday, December 19, 2014

News::Dragon Age Inquisition Review - Mouse n Joypad

Tickles writes - "You never forget your first, I remember it well. My first time was in the rain on a windswept shoreline. I had just left my party and ran through a dark, dank tunnel, as I came out onto the shoreline and into the daylight I saw the most majestic sight I have ever seen. She was alluring, she was beautiful, she was powerful and she was fierce, but the best thing, was that she was fighting a Giant. This was the first time I saw a Dragon in Dragon Age Inquisition and it took me entirely by surprise. The fight didnt last long but as I ran from the cave network I had spent the last ten minutes fighting through, I saw what may be one of the grandest sights Inquisition has to offer. The Dragon and Giant seemed equally matched, both were hurting while I stayed far enough away to not draw attention but close enough so that I didnt miss a thing. Just as the clash of the titans was drawing to a conclusion the Dragon took to the air in a mighty sweep of its leathery wings. T...

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