Sunday, November 23, 2014

News::Shadow of Mordor can be yours today for £15.99 on PC

Dealspwn writes: Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor has been one of the surprise hits of the year and we'd thoroughly recommend you give it a go at this super cheap price of £15.99 for a download key. You could be playing it today! Go on, you're going to want something to fall back on when you come back from the clusterf**k that will be the final Hobbit movie next month. We can't get enough of Monolith's Shadow of Mordor here at Dealspwn and we thoroughly recommend you dust off your Uruk hunting skills to get a taste too. Turns out the Nemesis system has managed to back up its bold ambitions with a neat set of mechanics that sees enemies remember you and you can even brainwash them into fighting for you as you infiltrate the highest ranks of Sauron's army. There's an excellent set of skills available to take advantage of an enemy's weaknesses too to create unique experiences throughout.

via N4G: pc news feed