Tuesday, October 14, 2014

News::I'm so glad I never sold my copy of Mario Paint

I may not replay videogames very often, but when I do get the urge, it feels impossible to ignore. If it's an Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, or Wii game I feel compelled to revisit, that's no big deal at all -- there's still enough room for those titles on my shelves. Those systems are already set up.

But if I go back even one console generation further, I start running into issues. Say, for instance, I have the strange desire to play Treasure's GameCube platformer/beat-'em-up Wario World because, I don't know, I want to pile drive some dinosaurs into oblivion. I can't. My copy of the game is gone. I sold it, back when I thought that was a good idea. It wasn't.

I'm so glad I never sold my copy of Mario Paint screenshot


via destructoid http://ift.tt/1u1XxRx