Friday, October 3, 2014

News::Hands-on Preview of Tinertia the Game with No Jump Button | Entertainment Buddha

One of the key mechanics of a solid platformer is how tight and responsive jump maneuvers are. Without a solid jump button and resulting physics, platformers can feel broken and frustrating to the point of rage. Weve all (ok maybe most of you are sane) thrown a controller, punched ourselves, bit our fingers, or screamed bloody murder while dying over and over again in a platformer that featured poor jump controls, and it sucks. What if there were a platformer that didnt use a jump button at all? How would it play, would the experience be enjoyable, or pure hell? Well the team at Candescent Games has tackled this exact scenario in its upcoming game Tinertia, which believe it or not, doesnt have a jump button.

via N4G: pc news feed