Wednesday, October 22, 2014

News::For the Love of Gaming Podcast Episode 168: The SS-4LOG

This episode features some of the biggest titles of 2014. Super Smash Bros on 3DS finally released, and everything is great except the online play. Alien Isolation and Evil Within both look to bring some new things to survival horror. Alien does a lot right, Evil Within does a lot wrong. Cory played way too much of Forza Horizon 2, and talks about all of the great aspects that are old and new to the series. Killer Instinct Season 2 has started on Xbox One, and Cory has spent a lot of time with the new balancing and characters added. The whole 4LOG crew played Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, and while they enjoyed it, they arent nearly as positive as most players.

via N4G: pc news feed