Monday, October 27, 2014

News::Earthworm Jim 2 scares me to this day

Leading up to Halloween, I've been wanting to write about horror games because that's what you do in October, right? I still might; I'm playing the oft-recommended Fatal Frame II for the first time now and am planning to revisit Condemned. But before I get to those, I have been thinking about games that aren't traditionally deemed scary that managed to get to me anyway.

My mind jumps back to Shiny Entertainment's classic action-platformer Earthworm Jim 2. What a surreal game. It went places you wouldn't expect even if you had played its predecessor or were otherwise familiar with characters like Professor Monkey-for-a-Head and Queen Slug-for-a-Butt.

This was a game willing to dress you up like a blind cave salamander and force you to flap around villi-filled intestines to the tune of "Moonlight Sonata" for a single level. And god forbid you bounce off one of those mischievous pinball bumpers (whose intestines are these?) -- the ensuing scream was horrific. But The Villi People isn't the level that prompted this article.

That distinction belongs to Puppy Love, a stage whose title alone strikes fear into my heart.

Earthworm Jim 2 scares me to this day screenshot


via destructoid