Saturday, September 13, 2014

News::Lichdom: Battlemage Review Magically Brutal I The Koalition

Asad Quadri of The Koalition writes: When it comes to fantasy games, the first thing that comes to mind is a wonderful, vast, epical open-world where the sky is the limit and youre the centrepiece of it all. Youre going on an epic quest, discovering breathtaking landscapes and fighting to defeat an impending evil to save the world. Thats not really the case here. In this fantasy game your objective here is to make many magical wonders and use them to turn bad guys into heaping piles of ash. There is a plot to it somewhere but thats soon forgotten when you start playing and seeing whats on offer. Developers Xaviant Games with their title Lidchdom: Battlemage hopes to let the players loose in a world where youre given mighty, destructive powers to unleash hell against anyone who stands in your way.

via N4G: pc news feed