Tuesday, August 12, 2014

News::Jotun Gets Through Steam Greenlight; Combat Teaser Video Released

J Station X writes "When I interviewed Jotun designer Will Dubé about the game earlier this month I learnt that the top-down action title is as much Dark Souls as it is Shadow of the Colossus. Its primary boss battles might seem to embrace SotCs gentle giant theme with whatever inspiration grabbing appendages but the jotun in Jotun are going to pulverise you to little Norse pieces if you dont dodge out of the way of their attacks. Like Dark Souls, theres a method in the madness of getting squished by a foot, a blade, or whatever over and over again in that Jotun challenges us to use our wits to defeat its enemies. I thought this sounded like a novel premise but being an in development game, Thunder Lotus didnt really have much to prove that to me. Theyve since put together a combat teaser video for Jotun, showing off the battle mechanics and such."

via N4G: pc news feed http://ift.tt/1nMLRi8