Friday, August 1, 2014

News::5 PC Games That Defined the 90s

Joshua Vanderwall: Whether or not you ever played an ASCII game on a BBS, if you've been playing games for a few years, you're probably familiar with some of these classics. Wolfenstein 3D Helping to popularize the FPS genre, Wolfenstein 3D introduced the world to renowned badass B.J. Blazkowicz way back in 1992. Shareware was all the rage, the 486 processors were getting to be affordable, and memory was still at a premium. Wolfenstein 3D was amazing on the 486 in my father's basement, but it only required a 286 processor to run. Amazingly, it needed only 500k of memory and 8MB HDD space for the full install. That's roughly the size of just one of my wedding pictures.

via N4G: pc news feed