Thursday, July 10, 2014

News::The Wolf Among Us Episode 5: Cry Wolf Review (Strategy Informer)

From "After winning all the awards with The Walking Dead it was clear that Telltale had finally found mainstream acceptance rather than just their usual crowd of ex-LucasArts fans (Sam & Max Lives). Their follow-up effort had to be equally incredible if they were going to keep their winning streak, and while not all the episodes have been amazing The Wolf Among Us has told an engaging, mature, and above all excellent story that only works as well as it does by being a videogame. Now at last the final episode is here, and Telltale's difficult second album (well, technically twenty-second, but I'm speaking "post Jurassic Park" here) can at last be judged as a whole. And like Bigby Wolf I'm going to have to look at the big picture if I'm going to make the right call."

via N4G: pc news feed