Friday, July 11, 2014

News::Sunless Sea Preview: The Paddler In Darkness | GamerTell

From the preview, "In the massively overcrowded realm of free-to-play browser games, one name consistently rises to the top, distinguishing itself as the preeminent source of lowered productivity in cubicles the world over: Fallen London. While most browser games only merit a few clicks before being abandoned forever, Fallen London consistently succeeds in capturing players imaginations, and occasionally their money. Its gameplay isnt significantly different than any other story-driven browser game, playing out via a series of Choose Your Own Adventure decisions that slowly add experience points to various attributes, but it distinguishes itself via a fun, engaging narrative communicated in bite-sized chunks of evocative prose. Fallen London is dark but playful, dispensing its influences in a dense layer cake of the Gothic, the Romantic, the Fantastic, and the Horrific to create a seductively mysterious world that constantly beckons you deeper within its airless confines."

via N4G: pc news feed