Thursday, July 3, 2014

News::Sniper Elite III Review | The Game Scouts

Tin Salamunic: Imagine playing one of your favorite titles and compiling a list of things you want changed or fixed to make the experience even better. Now imagine personally handing that list to the developer and having every concern addressed. Thats precisely how I felt after finishing Sniper Elite III. Ive always been a huge Sniper Elite fan, but V2 had its share of bugs and poor design choices. Well, Rebellions latest WWII shooter is not only a massive improvement over its predecessor; its undoubtedly one of the greatest sniper games of all time. I havent had this much fun with a sandbox since Far Cry 3Yes, its that good. This doesnt mean that Sniper Elite III is flawless. Poor AI is still a major problem and there isnt enough environmental diversity. But even with its faults, Sniper Elite III is an absurdly fun shooter that shouldnt be missed, regardless of the platform.

via N4G: pc news feed