Friday, July 25, 2014

News::Review: Gods Will Be Watching [Expansive]

Independent gaming has not only buried AAA, but it has stamped, weed and crapped all over its grave. AAA has failed to really get off the blocks in 2014, meanwhile weve had the likes of Luftwausers, Rymdkapsel, Nidhogg, The Swapper, Monument Valley, 10 Second Ninja, 0rbitalis, Mercenary Kings, Shovel Knight, Transistor, Betrayer and so many others stealing the show. And guess what, theres still a ton more to come. But while many of these games have been enjoyable in short blasts and are addictive, fun and engaging due to their pick up and play quality, Gods Will Be Watching is as hard-hitting and gripping as just about anything you have probably ever played. Its uncomfortable, its awkward, it will stop and make you think, but you will be immersed every step of the way.

via N4G: pc news feed