Saturday, July 26, 2014

News::[NSFW] Armored Warrior Iris Review: Intro to Hentai?

Armored Warrior Iris, originally by Black Lilith, translated by MangaGamer, is a visual novel about a woman, trained to be a warrior, who, after a firefight during a mission her organization sent her on that almost kills her, is captured by a group of scavengers, put up on the slave market of the planet of Left, in a town where slave trade is legal, and sold to a brothel run by a guy that looks like a Hutt. On the surface, it is a unique novel in a number of ways, the primary ones being that it is a nukige told from the point of view of a female protagonist, as well as the fact that the protagonists face is shown every time she talks, which is uncommon for any subgenre of visual novel.

via N4G: pc news feed