Saturday, July 5, 2014

News::Concursion Review | GodisaGeek

Stephen Dunne: "Most of the time, Concursion is a pleasure to play. It packs in a nice variety of game styles and never once comes across as repetitive. The boss fights are challenging, rewarding and never allow you to reach the boiling point of frustration. The difficulty balance that Puuba have struck makes Concursion a joyous experience for anyone, all while never seeming too simple. It manages to pay homage to several great games and, although its very similar to them, it never seems like its ripping them off thanks to all the style-switching. It does dip when controls become a problem and enemies kill you when they never should, but to anyone with a love of the classics, Concursion is undeniably worth picking up."

via N4G: pc news feed