Monday, May 26, 2014

News::Titanfall Capture The Flag Mode Makes Return Based On Fan Feedback (But Not Their Gameplay History)

Hardcore Gamer: Good thing Respawn listened to their fans and brought back the highly innovative "sit around and wait for nothing to happen" game mode that was a big hit with people who loved Titanfall but also wanted to fall asleep. Fans of the mode were quick to point out, however, that if they wanted to sit around and wait for a match wasn't it their right to do so? And, more importantly, now that they identified a problem with the matchmaking for this mode couldn't they, oh, I don't know...fix it? Their solution to fixing the problem was to take the mode out behind a shed and beat it with a shovel, then drag its mangled body back out in front of its audience and proclaim, "Look! We fixed it!"

via N4G: pc news feed