(Editors Note: Stephens views are his own and do not reflect on Pixelitis as a whole, but we expect everyone to be kind and remember Wheatons Law.) "The current generation is a strange era for the Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing experience. MMORPGs, as theyre more conveniently acronym-ed, were once a mystically appealing genre. The very idea that one could play a game with a whole community of people online seemed to be the next big step in videogames as a medium. But now that WoW is a shell of its former self and Elder Scrolls Online debuted with more of a lame thump than a boom, perhaps the era of MMOs is coming to an end? I find myself tracing the history of the genre and my own personal experience to determine what factors may be contributing to the death of the MMO." - Stephen Hilger
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