Thursday, May 1, 2014

News::Lemmings + Tetris + cheese = MouseCraft

You know what are really cute? Mice. You know what else are pretty cute? Tetrominoes. I'm not the only person who thinks that, right? Regardless, the two are coming together in the upcoming game MouseCraft , which is set to release on July 8 for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation Vita. Whew.

In it, some crazy anthropomorphic rat/wolf/scientist/??? is performing experiments on mice that would probably go against standard animal testing rules and regulations. With their insatiable desire for cheese, the mice will try to get to it while ignoring any potential environmental hazards in the way. Of course, those cute little tetrominoes can be used to built safe paths for the cute little mice, and all can be well. Be safe, little guys!

Lemmings + Tetris + cheese = MouseCraft screenshot


via destructoid