Sunday, April 20, 2014

News::Why You Need to Buy Humongous Entertainment Classic Kids' Adventure Games On Steam

Hardcore Gamer: Every now and then nostalgia sneaks its way into the logical portion of my brain and I start saying stupid things like "Salute Your Shorts was an awesome television show" or "I still think Sonic games might get good again" or "Diapers were and still are the best lower body garment!" We all tend to romanticize or overhype things we liked when we were kids, which everyone should know is a terrible idea because kids like Miley Cyrus and eating paste, both of which have been scientifically linked to brain damage. Which is why you need to understand the news you are about to receive is coming from a man suffering from acute nostalgia and may not be as exciting as I lead you to believe. However, Humongous Entertainment is bringing games like Pajama Sam and Freddi Fish to Steam, and this is the best news that anyone has ever heard ever in the history of ever.

via N4G: pc news feed