Monday, March 10, 2014

News::The Blackwell Epiphany Preview (Strategy Informer)

From "I've played some fine adventures over the last few years that totally spat in the face of the idea that adventure gaming was dead, and I can say without hyperbole that the finest I've reviewed since LucasArts stopped making them is The Blackwell Deception from WadjetEye Games. It's better than the adventures the veterans of Double Fine, Telltale, Daedalic, Revolution, and Jane Jensen managed to put together. A clever, modern adventure with humour, poignant storytelling, sensible puzzles and a cool partner dynamic. Oh, and the central conceit - you play two characters, Rosa and Joey, and Joey is a ghost. Yes, it's Randall & Hopkirk: Deceased - The Game. Well, the fourth game. After skating on the edges of greatness for the first three titles WadjetEye (which when it comes to the Blackwells is mostly Dave Gilbert) finally perfected the formula in Deception and is now about to conclude the series with The Blackwell Epiphany. I got an early look to see how th...

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