Monday, March 3, 2014

News::Live Show: Breaking into Earth Defense Force 2025's co-op mode

It's the end of one era and the beginning of another. This week is the first in which Phil and I have taken over as full time heads of the channel. Naturally, we're sad to see King Foom go but we're both ready to take the reigns and run the channel (into the ground). Some of King Foom's last shows on the channel were with the recently released Earth Defense Force 2025. We thought this would be a great way to bridge the two chapters of history and would make a great backdrop for us to answer all of the questions people have about the channel's future. Also, Phil and I really hate bugs.

Want to blast insectoid aliens and talk about the state of the stream? We're going live at 2PM PST over on Buckle up and get ready for the beginning of something insane. We'll see you there.

Live Show: Breaking into Earth Defense Force 2025's co-op mode screenshot


via destructoid