Monday, March 24, 2014

News::Deus Ex: The Fall Review (Strategy Informer)

From "There was excitement aplenty back in June last year when rumours starting building that Square Enix were getting ready to announce a new title in the excellent Deus Ex franchise, titled "The Fall". Then the first trailer came! It was real! It starred the protagonist of Human Revolution's tie-in novel Icarus Effect! It was... on iPad. And then the internet rolled its collective eyes, muttered "for f***'s sake Square", and trundled off to complain about there not being a jump button in Thief. I like many others said at the time "if this comes out on PC with proper controls I'll get it, otherwise I don't care". Now nine months later it's time to put our money where our mouth is, as Deus Ex: The Fall finally does indeed come to PC. Hopefully it's still worth buying".

via N4G: pc news feed